Floral Separator

Connecting hearts on  World Breast Cancer day!

Lodgerin Blog

October 19, is Breast Cancer Day in Spain, and at Lodgerin we want to do our little bit to support the fight against this disease that affects so many lives

Floral Frame

A break from the student routine

For many students and young professionals, living abroad is a transformative experience. On this Breast Cancer Day, we want to remember the importance of early detection.

Floral Frame

Accommodations that care

We are committed to providing relevant information about the importance of regular check-ups and early detection of breast cancer.

Floral Frame

Accommodations management with a caring touch

For accommodation owners associated with us, we want to emphasize that our relationship goes beyond property management. We are a community that cares, and this awareness month.

Floral Frame

Beyond renting: Joining forces for health

This Breast Cancer Day, we urge renters and landlords to join together in promoting awareness of the importance of breast health.

Floral Frame

Learn more about in our new post blog
