Best cities to study

Spain is a country where there is a great university tradition. It has several of the best cities to study in the world.

Not only will we explain why you should study in each of the following cities. We will also make recommendations on what is the best accommodation in each of the cities, to make it easier for you to decide when choosing your apartment to students.

Study in Spain

1. Salamanca

It is the University city by definition. Is a city full of young people and through which great personalities of the history of Spain have passed.

It is a city with a great cultural offer and a very remarkable nightlife. These two aspects are key to attracting young people, both foreigners and Spaniards.

The University of Salamanca is the oldest in Spain and the third in Europe, and holds a lot of secrets. The antiquity not only has to do with the facade and the structure of the building itself. It also has to do with the prestige granted by having studied at this University.

Regarding the nightlife of the city, it is necessary to highlight the University New Year’s Eve. In which young people from all over Spain approach the celebration. This party is changing the dates every year, but usually in the second week of December.

If you have thought about studying in Salamanca, we recommend the residences. Going to a student residence makes you get fully into the international experience you want to live.

Study in Spain

2. Santiago de Compostela

Santiago de Compostela is a historic city. Entering the city is sailing in a world of culture. The University of Santiago de Compostela has more than 500 years of history. You can study all kinds of careers, degrees and masters at the University.

Regarding the nightlife, Santiago de Compostela is a city that has nothing to envy others. Thousands of young people enjoy the many activities of the city every weekend.

It is a town in which it has very different plans, from going to discos, pubs, bars, quiet places, etc. If you like more relaxed plans, a good way to enjoy your stay there is gastronomy. Galicia is a territory where there is a great variety of top quality gastronomic products, mainly fish and shellfish. Any product you choose in the restaurants of Santiago will be a delight.

Something very interesting is to choose to live in a foster home, in this way you can try the delicious dishes that are cooked in Galician kitchens. A real treat!

Study in Spain

3. Granada

Granada is an amazing city, it has everything. It is a city that combines beach and mountains, nightlife and culture.

Thousands of young people enjoy their stay in Granada every year. It has faculties throughout the Autonomous Community of Granada, as well as in Africa it has 2. One in Ceuta and another in Melilla. This aspect makes it even more attractive to study in Granada. It is already a multicultural city, but having 2 faculties in Africa causes an increase in cultural diversity.

Regarding the nightlife, it also has nothing to envy any other. It has all kinds of establishments for any plan that arises. Wherever you go there will always be people enjoying the Granada night.

It is also worth mentioning the weather in Granada. It is a city that is in southern Spain, has a Mediterranean climate, which is perfect for living. There are always good temperatures and it rarely rains, which makes it a prototype city to live. All these characteristics make Granada one of the best cities to study in Spain.

Regarding the most recommended accommodations, we suggest apartments shared with students. In this way the integration into the city will be very simple and you will leave with the advantage of making new friendships very easily.


4. Seville

Also in southern Spain. Regarding the climate very similar to that of Granada, perhaps with more temperatures. Seville is one of the cities that many Spaniards go to study there. Mainly people from Extremadura and Andalusia go to Seville to study since it is the best alternative in the South. Together you better have a big city and a small city.

In Seville you will find everything about leisure: cinemas, bars, restaurants, large shopping centers, etc. The fact that it has everything does not take away the essence of small cities. You will meet many people, thanks to the Sevillian spirit of its inhabitants. They will make you feel at home in a matter of days.

If you want to study in Seville, the best types of flats for students in Seville are Host Families, as they will make you quickly integrate into the Sevillian culture, and Student Residences. The student residences there are usually very crowded. Thousands of students go to the residences every year, which fills them with atmosphere. It will be easy to make new friends there.

best cities to study in Spain

5. Madrid

Going to study in Madrid is an option that tens of thousands of people choose each year. This is because of the many advantages and facilities that a city like Madrid brings you.

Madrid has many teaching centers. The offer is so wide that it will cost you to decide. Something that makes it even more complicated is that all university centers are of the highest quality. So think well to which to enroll, and surely you will not regret it.

It is an essential city to visit, this makes a large number of tourists who come daily to the city. They come from all over the world. What causes that the multiculturality that is lived in Madrid is practically unparalleled in Spain, only with Barcelona.

Getting around the city will seem very simple. Madrid has one of the best meters in the world. It has up to 12 lines. But not only that, Madrid has hundreds of bus lines, pick-up services, rental cars, motorcycles, bikes, scooters, etc. That is, mobility problems you will not have.

best cities to study

Leisure in Madrid is something impressive. Whatever you can think of you will find. We are not talking about cinemas, bars, etc. We talk about very specific activities. There will always be a company that in Madrid is dedicated to exploit that activity. In addition the nightlife in the city is unusual. Every day of the week there is a great movement of young people at night. You will find thousands of bars, clubs and pubs. From Lodgerin we recommend Madrid because it is one of the best cities to study.

If you have chosen to study in Madrid, from Lodgerin we suggest any type of accommodation.

  • Host families, the inhabitants of Madrid always open the doors to those arriving from outside.
  • Student residences are always full, you will have to hurry to reserve your place.ç
  • Shared apartments are the best option for people who already know someone in the city and want to share a flat with him. In addition the offer of rental of flats is immense.

6. Barcelona

Barcelona is considered the second capital of Spain. It is very similar to Madrid, but with some differences. Both are one of the best cities to study in Spain

The weather is one of the main differences. Barcelona is attached to the Mediterranean Sea, which makes the climate the ideal place to live. It also has many beaches where you can enjoy part of the year.

You will find many university centers, which will make your decision somewhat complicated. Many characters in the history of Spain have studied in Barcelona. Which gives it a reputation for the big city.

Also in both Barcelona and Madrid you can find great teams to support in sports. Not only in soccer, but also in basketball, handball, etc.

The connections in the city will be very good, you can move to any part of the city by public transport.

The best student accommodation option in Barcelona is any option. It is a city like Madrid, so big that any safe option is correct. You must analyze which one you like the most, and surely you are not mistaken.


I conclude, comment that Spain is usually a country in which all cities are good to study, although they highlight these 6. Each of these 6 has its characteristics that make it different. You must think which one is best associated with your personality and decide which is the best option for you. Of course, anyone you choose will surely surprise you and live unique experiences.


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