Mejores tortillas de Madrid

This dish, which has become iconic of Spanish gastronomy, is not only famous here, but all over the world. On the website of the Association of Chefs and Pastry Chefs of Madrid there are plenty of recipes to prepare the best potato omelette. They also offer advice on how to make it tastier, spongier, curdled, with or without onion. And this leads us to want to know what are the best omelettes in Madrid.


History of the potato omelette

One of the first known mentions of this famous dish is in the book “La Agricultura General”, by Joseph Antonio Valcárcel and published in 1767. It is there where it is briefly mentioned, explaining that it was generally used “in stews and tortillas”. In 1798, another reference appears in the book “La patata en España”, by researcher Javier López Linage. Here he mentioned the potato omelette in Villanueva de la Serena in Extremadura.

What is mentioned is that the tortilla arises from the need to elaborate a dish that is economical and fills the belly. The potato is ideal for this, but it gradually evolved by adding olive oil and potatoes with beaten egg, which is how this dish that everyone loves was born! And it has served to alleviate hunger, as it is known that during the Carlist Wars it was one of the most popular dishes.

Festivities around the tortilla de patatas (potato omelette)

Needless to say that in Villanueva de la Serena it is an obligatory and deeply rooted dish in its tradition, for example, on the Day of the Jira. Since 2013, the Tortilla Fair has even been held in the same town. Everyone likes and enjoys a good tortilla, whether at lunch, a picnic, a meeting with loved ones…. There is even a monument to the tortilla de patatas that was inaugurated in 2021!

The best potato omelets in Madrid

In 2022, Manuel González Cordero of La Tortilla de Madrid restaurant won the title, with Simón Acevedo Reyes of Tortillas Etiqueta Negra in second place. For 2023, it was Domingo Dugarte, from the Panpintao restaurant, who won the award. The omelette in question is considered a traditional type, slightly curdled. Here the quality of the eggs is important, although the secret also includes poached onion.

Second place goes to Javier Alfaro, from the Rosi La Loca restaurant. There they use spring onions and sour potato “very poached” with a crunchy touch at the end. Finally, third place went to Tortillas Etiqueta Negra, from Alberto García, which can be with or without onion.

Where to stay when you enjoy the best omelettes in Madrid?

As we have seen, there are very tasty options of the authentic tortilla de patatas… Nothing to do with viral challenges in which they add ingredients foreign to ours. If you come to study or work in Madrid from abroad, it is mandatory that you try the tortilla de patatas. We take care of your accommodation! There is nothing better to rest a full stomach than a comfortable and pleasant accommodation to rest to the fullest. In Lodgerin we will take care of finding the accommodation that best suits your needs and you have the option to book a coliving and meet new people! Contact us through our website: fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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