There are many reasons why you might want to do an internship in Spain. Whether it is because your university demands an internship as a mandatory activity, or because you want to live a new experience away from home, Spain is one of the best options you can choose. The climate of the country is exceptional, we have one of the best cuisines in the world and Spanish people are open and sociable. For all this and much more, in today’s post we will explain how to do your internship in Spain, what requirements you must meet, what types of internships you can do, etc. Let’s get started!

Why do your internship in Spain?  

  • Madrid and Barcelona are the most important cities in Spain and have the headquarters of many multinational companies where you can do your internship without the language being a problem.   
  • Living in Spain will give you the opportunity to learn Spanish, one of the most spoken languages in the world.   
  • In Spain you will be able to enjoy a great climate, an incredible gastronomy, architectural, cultural and historical wonders.  
  • Spain is not an expensive country to live in.  

What do I need to do my internship in Spain?  

  • Original valid passport and a copy of it.  
  • Valid student visa or a graduation certificate showing that you graduated within the last two years.  
  • Medical certificate.  
  • Valid public or private health insurance.  
  • Internship agreement signed by the educational institution and the company.  
  • NIE number and Social Security number for those who receive financial compensation in exchange for their work.  
  • Criminal record certificate for the last 5 years.  
  • Form EX04 correctly filled out in case you need a residence permit for the internship.  

What kind of internships can you do?  

There are two types of internships in Spain, curricular and extracurricular. Curricular internships are those that are done at the same time as you are a student, while extracurricular internships are those that are done after you have finished your degree.   

In other words, curricular internships are a mandatory requirement to obtain your university degree and are considered as an additional subject that you must pass. In order to be able to do this type of internship, you will have to:

  • Do a job that fits your field of study.  
  • Make an effort to carry out the internship, since it will be considered as another subject and, therefore, will be evaluated with a grade.   
  • Sign an internship agreement, as an apprenticeship agreement, between the university and the company.  
  • Carry out these internships in a period of time of less than one year.  

How can you get an internship in Spain?  

Of course, the easiest way is to obtain this internship agreement through your university. Another way to do an internship in another country is to apply for the different internship offers offered by the Erasmus Program 

It may also be that you are only interested in certain specific companies. In this case, you can apply directly through their platforms to their different internship offers.  

How much do they usually pay for internships in Spain? 

Normally, interns in Spain do not receive a salary for their work. The objective of these internships is to learn and not to earn money. However, there are also companies in which students receive some kind of financial compensation for their services to the company. This amount is usually around 300 euros per month 

We hope this post has helped you. Remember that in Lodgerin we have the best accommodations in the main cities of Spain. Do not hesitate to contact us for any questions you may have.  

You can also read other interesting posts in our blog 

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