We all know by now that Brexit is already a fact. The Agreement of Withdrawal from the European Union by the United Kingdom entered into force on February 1, 2020, but it was not until last Friday, January 1, 2021, when the three treaties that will regulate the relationship between the two and,consequently, affect Erasmus+ students, became effective.

With the execution of Brexit, many things change. If as a student your idea was to move to the UK with the Erasmus + program, stay and read this post where we explain what the effects of Brexit are for Erasmus+ 2021 students. Let’s go for it.

What will happen to the Erasmus + program from now on?

Overall bad news for college students. The United Kingdom will not remain in the Erasmus + program.

As you all know, the program allows and finances international academic mobility for students and teachers from the European Union to study or practice for a period of three to twelve months at a university in another European country. Despite being a program of the European Union (one of the best known), the Erasmus + program has the participation of other countries that are not part of the community club such as Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Switzerland, and Turkey. There are many very cheap and attractive European destinations where you can have an incredible experience while studying.

Unfortunately, the UK will no longer be part of this international program. This was confirmed by Michel Barnier, head of negotiations on Brexit at the European Commission, at a press conference held in Brussels. “That is a British Government choice,” he lamented.

Will UK students be able to continue to exercise mobility in Erasmus + program countries?

We must make an important nuance to answer this question. Students and other participants from the UK can continue to mobility in Erasmus + program countries until projects come to an end or funds run out even after 2020.

Will students from Erasmus + program countries be able to move to the UK for studies?

Students from member countries of the European Union will not be able to select any British university via Erasmus, but as we have pointed out above, there are nuances. The conclusion of the Withdrawal Agreement makes it possible for higher education institutions and other bodies in the program countries to continue sending students and staff to the United Kingdom to carry out Erasmus + mobilities with funds from the 2019 and 2020 calls until the projects arrive end or funds run out.

A bittersweet resolution, according to data from the European Commission, this program benefited 31,877 students who were trained in universities in the United Kingdom and 17,048 British university students who studied in centers in other countries.

And what happens now?

Community students and academics who decide to carry out their exchange in the United Kingdom, already without an Erasmus grant, either with their own funds or with the help of national or regional governments, will also have to apply for a student visa if their stays are longer than six months, for 348 pounds.

We have no doubt, this decision will discourage many students when deciding to study in the UK. The high cost, the red tape, and the lack of information will put the United Kingdom in the background in terms of academic mobility.

And you, would you keep going to study in the UK? Let us know by commenting on our social networks.

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