This week, on the occasion of World Bike Day, we bring you some of the best areas in Madrid for a bike ride. But not before we briefly tell you the history of the celebration of this day… Here we go!

Why is World Bike Day celebrated?

Today, 3 June 2021, and as every year since 2018, World Bike Day is celebrated. This day was proclaimed by the UN just three years ago with the aim of giving prominence to this healthy and non-polluting means of transport.

As we all know, our planet is going through a time of environmental crisis, a time when the increased use of bicycles is helping to reduce pollution and fight climate change.

But… Where can I go for a bike ride in Madrid?

Summer is just around the corner and outdoor plans are becoming more and more appealing every day. If you add sport and friends to the good weather, the result is a bike ride. Read on and discover the best areas for a bike ride in Madrid.

Madrid Río

On the banks of the Manzanares river, Madrid Río is, without a doubt, one of the best places to go for a bike ride. During the ride you can even enjoy the views of some of the city’s historical monuments, such as the Matadero or the Ermita de la Virgen del Puerto.

The park is 7 kilometres long, so your bike ride won’t be short. What’s more, you can rent your bike there! Now you really do… you have no excuse!

Casa de Campo

Very close to the Madrid Río park is the Casa de Campo. With more than 1553,52 hectares, it is the largest public park in the city of Madrid. But what will surprise you about this place is the variety of ecosystems that you can find here.

The Casa de Campo is home to more than 130 different species of vertebrate animals and trees. During a leisurely bike ride through the area you will be able to see rabbits, golden eagles, foxes and goldfinches, among others. In addition, you will ride through large masses of cypresses, exotic pines and holm oaks.

Juan Carlos I Park

Juan Carlos I Park is located to the northeast of the city, in what is known as the Feria de Madrid area. It is 8.5 kilometres long and is made up of a cycle lane and flat paths of little difficulty.

Along a bike ride through this park you will find an olive grove with more than 2,000 olive trees. But that’s not all, the Juan Carlos I Park also has a lake, an auditorium, a collection of outdoor sculptures and an activity centre. And what’s even better… it has a free bike rental service!

El Retiro Park

Undoubtedly the most famous park in the capital. El Retiro Park is located right in the centre of the city and is considered to be its great green lung. It offers dozens of possibilities to enjoy leisure, culture and sport, so… Why not discover this park on a bike?

The entire east side of the park has a bike lane, that is, from the beginning of Calle O’Donnell to the Fuente del Ángel Caído. In addition, once again, there is a bicycle rental service.

Getting around by bike when the weather permits is a great way to help your health and the environment. Remember that you can read more interesting posts on our blog:

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