If you are a university student, June is probably the month that has you in a headache. Final papers, internships, term papers and the dreaded exams… and all accumulated in the same month. We know that being calm during these days is no easy task, but at Students Global Relocation we are ready to help you.

Take a breath, breathe in, breathe out… Count to 10 and get ready to read some tips that will help you feel better about yourself and prepare for your exams more effectively. Here we go!

1. Eat well and do sport

During exam weeks we tend to do the opposite, we stop training and eat anything because we don’t have time. Big mistake!

Although it may seem silly, in order for our brain to be able to store all the information necessary for our exams, it needs a good source of energy. If you feel like snacking between meals, the best thing to do is to eat a piece of fruit and nuts, which help to improve your study performance.

It is also important that you don’t lose your sports routine because you are spending more time studying. This is another huge mistake that we tend to make and that you need to learn to fix. We need a break after all that studying, and sport is a great way to free body and mind at the same time.

2. Sleep 8 hours a day

Spending all day glued to your coffee cup won’t do you any good if you haven’t had a good night’s rest. The only thing coffee will do is make you more nervous and prevent you from getting a good night’s rest when you want to go to sleep. If you eat a healthy diet and get used to sleeping 8 hours a day, when your alarm clock goes off you will feel fully rested and energised to tackle your notes.

3. Have a study routine

 As with sport or rest, it is important that you also have a study routine. Establishing a timetable will help you concentrate better during those hours and give it your all.

It is essential that you make a structured planning by subjects, days and hours. This way, you will have the contents completely organised so that you have time to study everything and not have to discard subjects at the last minute due to lack of time.

Another key factor in our routine is the place where we study. Always studying in the same place will help us to concentrate better, as our brain will associate it directly with exams’ season. Of course, it should be a bright and quiet place.

4. Make your notes visually appealing

Photographic memory often helps us a lot when it comes to locating topics, sections or headings in our notes. To do this, using different colours, highlighters and markers, or making diagrams, are small tips that are of great help.

Mnemonic rules are another resource that will help us to memorise certain concepts better. These consist of assigning realities of daily life to the terms we need to study, by their initials, meanings, and so on.

5. Break up your study time

Staring at your notes and books for 3 hours at a time won’t do you any good if your brain isn’t really working. For the brain to work effectively, it is essential to let it rest every so often. To do this, we recommend the Pomodoro method.

This method consists of dividing study times into 25 minutes, alternating them with 5-minute breaks. You can take advantage of these mini-breaks to go to the toilet or stretch your legs.

We assure you that, if you follow our recommendations, you will see an increase in your study efficiency, you will feel better and more energetic. Remember that you can also read other interesting posts on our blog:

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