As every 23 April, today is International Book Day! We are already used to tell you about different international days. That’s why we should all know by now that, like so many other “International Days of”, the International Book Day was declared by UNESCO. Are you ready to give, or receive, a book and a rose?

Why is the day celebrated on 23 April?

It is no coincidence that UNESCO adopted 23 April as International Book Day. It was around this date when authors such as Cervantes, Shakespeare and Garcilaso de la Vega died.

The origin of International Book Day

Did you know that the origin of this celebration is in Spain? It was the Valencian writer Vicente Clavel who first promoted the idea of dedicating one day of the year to literature.

 Initially, Vicente Clavel proposed 7 October for this celebration. This day was chosen because it was thought to be the date of birth of Miguel de Cervantes. But years later it was changed to 23 April so that it could be celebrated on a more spring-like date. It was the Spanish government that presented the proposal to UNESCO to celebrate this international day on this date. UNESCO finally approved it in 1995.

How to celebrate International Book Day?

As it is logical, is traditional to give a book as a gift on International Book Day. However, in Spain, and more specifically in Cataluña, this gift is accompanied by a rose. This is due to the fact that it coincides with the celebration of Saint George’s Day, in Catalan, Sant Jordi.

In Madrid, the Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism organises different activities to celebrate it. You can enjoy everything from theatre plays to photography exhibitions.

If you are enjoying your Erasmus in Madrid, don’t hesitate to join all the activities. It will be a great way to get to know Spanish culture and, in particular, literature. Also, remember to give a book and a rose to your loved ones to fully comply with the Spanish tradition.

Finally, at Students Global Relocation we want to promote reading and, to do so, we invite you to read some of our latest posts about other “International Days of“. Always ready to inform our students so that they can learn new things!

Are you ready to give the gift of a book and a rose, or be the one who receives the gift?

Happy Book Day!




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