Friends living together in a shared apartment.
The flexibility and privacy of traditional rental, with the benefits of community living. The perfect formula for students and digital nomads.
choosing accommodation
Moving abroad? When choosing accommodation, it is essential that you follow these 9 tips or green flags that we share with you.
From its tourist attractions to its gastronomy. With this guide you can get to know the city of Barcelona in depth.
Are you planning to visit Madrid this Easter? We share with you the 10 best plans to get to know the city these days.
coliving Madrid
Beyond accommodation, coliving is linked to the idea of sharing moments. If you are looking for an experience like this, flexible and cheaper, we share with you our offer in Madrid.
Alojamiento media estancia en Dubái
Visa, accommodation, flight, suitcases… and off you go across the pond. Dubai has become one of […]
Hello to all accommodation owners, students and young professionals! We’re excited to have you on our […]
October 6 marks the 13th anniversary of Instagram, the platform that has redefined the way we […]
When you move to a new city, whether to study abroad or start your career as […]
September is a month full of opportunities and new experiences, especially for students and young professionals […]