Hello to all accommodation owners, students and young professionals! We’re excited to have you on our blog, and today we want to talk about a very special date in Spain: Hispanity Day, which is celebrated every October 12. This holiday has a rich history and offers unique opportunities for owners, students and young professionals to join in the celebration. Let’s explore together how to do it!

History of Hispanity Day

October 12 commemorates the meeting of two worlds: America and Europe, thanks to the voyage of Christopher Columbus in 1492. This day not only marked a milestone in history, but also symbolizes the cultural and linguistic diversity of Spanish-speaking countries. In Spain, Hispanity Day is a national event, with military parades, cultural events and demonstrations that reflect the rich heritage that unites Spanish-speaking nations.

How to celebrate Hispanity Day

This year, we encourage accommodation owners, students and young professionals to join in the celebration. Here are some ideas:

  1. Organize cultural events in your accommodations: Invite your colleagues to participate in activities that highlight the cultural diversity of Spain and Latin American countries. You can have a small debate, watch a movie, or even cook typical food.
  2. Discover local events: In cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Seville, parades and special events are held. Encourage your classmates to join in and be part of the celebration. The vibrant energy of these events is contagious!
  3. Encourage cultural exchange: If you own accommodation and have properties in major cities, promote cultural exchange between foreign and local residents. This can be through social events, language exchange or even shared dinners with typical dishes.
  4. Collaborate with educational institutions: If you manage student accommodations, you should know that at Lodgerin we collaborate with different educational institutions around the world, who organize academic events that highlight the historical and cultural importance of Hispanity Day.
  5. Explore the gastronomy: Go out to eat at local bars and restaurants to try typical dishes from different Spanish-speaking countries. This will not only delight your palate, but will also be an educational and cultural experience.

Highlights of events in major cities in Spain

  • Madrid: Plaza de Cibeles is the epicenter of the celebration in the capital, with military parades and cultural events.
  • Barcelona: The Columbus monument, at the end of Barcelona’s La Rambla, fills with color with the floral offering that attracts locals and tourists alike.

Hispanity Day is an opportunity to unite accommodation owners, students and young professionals in a celebration of the cultural richness of Spain and Spanish-speaking countries. Let’s take advantage of this day to create unforgettable experiences and strengthen the ties between our communities!

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