The time change is coming, and for students and young professionals in Spain, this can mean a disruption in their daily routine. But don’t worry, at Lodgerin we are here to help you cope with this adjustment smoothly. If you are living the experience of studying or working abroad in exciting cities like Madrid or Barcelona, let’s explore together how to prepare for the time change and how to make the most of your adventure.

What is the time change and how does it affect students and young professionals?

The time change, which takes place in the early hours of October 28 in Spain, means that the clocks go back one hour. This means you’ll enjoy an extra hour of sleep, but you’ll also face shorter days and longer nights! For students and young professionals who are doing their best to make the most of their time abroad, this change can impact your schedule and your sense of well-being. Here are some tips on how to prepare and make the most of this situation.

Adjust your daily routine

Adjusting to the time change can take some time, so start adjusting your routine gradually a few days beforehand. This means going to bed and getting up an hour earlier than you used to. This will help you maintain a regular schedule and reduce the impact of the time change on your performance and well-being.

Take advantage of the longer night

Take advantage of the longer night to relax and enjoy evening activities. Explore your city’s nightlife, attend cultural events or simply spend a quiet night in your accommodation. Our student accommodations provide you with a comfortable and safe environment to enjoy your stay abroad.

Maintain a balanced diet

Diet plays a crucial role in your well-being. Use the time change as an opportunity to improve your eating habits. Discover the delicious local cuisine in Madrid, Barcelona and other Spanish cities. Experiment with new flavors and stay healthy while enjoying your adventure abroad.

Maintain open communication with your roommates

Living in your accommodation is essential for your comfort and peace of mind. If you need to adjust your schedule or make any special requests due to time changes, please communicate with your roommates. We are here to help you and ensure that your stay is as pleasant as possible.

Make the most of your adventure abroad

The time change is only a small part of your experience abroad. Make the most of your time in Spain by exploring new cultures, meeting new people and participating in exciting activities. Madrid and Barcelona offer countless opportunities for personal and professional growth – don’t let the time change stop you from enjoying this incredible adventure!

The time change is an inevitable part of living in Spain, but with proper planning and a positive attitude, it doesn’t have to affect your experience as a student or young professional abroad. At Lodgerin we are committed to providing you with the best service so that you can make the most of your adventure in Madrid, Barcelona and other cities. If you need help with your accommodation arrangements or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to make sure your stay is unforgettable and worry-free, so get ready for the time change and continue to make the most of your experience abroad!

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