Hello to all lovers of adventure and living abroad! On this exciting Influencer Day, we want to celebrate the diversity and excitement of living, studying and working abroad. If you’re a student, young professional or student accommodation owner, this blog post is for you.

Discover the world through the eyes of influencers.

Today, social media allows us to explore the world from the comfort of our couch. For those looking for inspiration on how to live abroad to the fullest, we’ve compiled a list of influencers whose content highlights the excitement of student and professional life in different corners of the world.

  • @mamainmadrid: this is a passionate American mother who documents her experiences living in Spain. Although she tells it from her experience as a mother, it is a very useful profile that can help all of you coming from abroad to prepare you to face certain cultural shocks that you will probably encounter when you arrive in Spain. From discovering a new culture to overcoming the challenges of studying in a foreign language, or getting to know the way Spaniards socialize and relate to each other.

  • @carlaconwifi: this Venezuelan influencer takes her office to amazing places. Find out how she combines professional life with exploring new destinations, offering practical advice for those of you who dream of working abroad.

  • @decopordosmangos: behind this account is Juli Vasile, a decorating influencer very interesting for accommodation owners. What Juli teaches us through her social networks are ways to remodel and decorate accommodations to make them comfortable and cozy spaces spending as little money as possible.

Plans for all tastes

After discovering these amazing influencers, it’s time to start planning your own adventure. Here are some plans that might interest you:

  • Cultural exchange night at your accommodation

    Organize a theme night at your student housing. Invite residents and locals to share aspects of their culture, from food to traditions. The diversity will enrich everyone’s experience… And you can share it on your social networks!

  • University tours

    Create routes that highlight local universities and their surroundings. Provide students with a detailed map with points of interest, restaurants and places to socialize. This will not only make their daily lives easier, but also foster a sense of community.

  • Professional Development Workshops

    Collaborate with local professionals to offer workshops on professional development. From job search tips to networking, give young professionals the tools they need to succeed abroad.

This Influencer Day, let’s inspire each other to create vibrant communities and unforgettable experiences. Whether you’re a student exploring new frontiers or an owner committed to offering exceptional accommodations, the world abroad is full of exciting opportunities. Let’s discover it together!

Remember that you can also read other interesting posts on our blog:

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