We know that the situation is not the best one to make big plans in restaurants or nightclubs. Even so, you have to know that February 14th can be celebrated in many ways. Whether as a couple, with friends or as a family. From Students Global Relocation we bring you different ideas to enjoy this Valentine’s Day at home.

Romantic film and popcorn

Set up your living room as a cinema room. You will see how your loved ones love it more than the real cinema. Prepare a place for everyone on the sofa, popcorn and drinks. For a more original touch, you can decorate your living room with romantic motifs. Here you can find inspiration and also some tips on how to do it without messing up the house.

Remember the blankets to keep you warm. And if you want to make the most of the moment, you can wear your pyjamas, ¡we wish we could always go to the cinema in our pyjamas!

It is important that, before you all sit down on the sofa, the film is already chosen. Here are some movies that show love in all its forms:

Group games

Do you know the game of “the little papers”? It includes mental quickness, mimicry and sounds. And also, in this case, with a romantic theme.

First, you will have to form pairs. So you can’t say that you don’t have a partner for Valentine’s Day… Then, each of you must write five different words on five pieces of paper. They can be songs, objects, places, people… but they must all be related to love. Once all the slips of paper are ready, they are folded, put in a glass and mixed.

In order, each person in the pair will take a slip of paper that must be guessed by the other.

Firstly, you will do it by describing the words. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? Well, don’t get carried away, the difficulty increases little by little, but so do the laughs!

Secondly, you will have to guess the words with mimicry and, in the third round, only with a sound. Don’t forget to record the points scored by each pair to name the winners at the end of the game, and you only have 30 seconds per round and pair!

To cheer up the stomach

Eating stimulates our senses and makes us happy. Moreover, according to a study conducted by Oxford Economics and the National Centre for Social Research, eating together makes us even happier. If we add to this the illusion of having a challenge ahead, such as cooking, what better time to be excited and happy than Valentine’s Day?

Make a list of the products you need for your recipe, go shopping at the supermarket and… let’s get to work! Here are some recipes that may inspire you

 To make it more exciting, you can play a great playlist of hits. Cooking together can be one more way to love while you sing, dance and enjoy a different plan.

Finally, it will be time to eat. It will be the moment when you will realize that, besides being delicious, you have made it together. Joining forces always works, as in life itself.

Happy Valentine’s Day at home. Long live love!


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