Next 27 February it will be celebrated the World Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) Day. From Students Global Relocation, we want to raise awareness about the importance of fighting for the rights of all causes. To do so, in this post we explain the history of the celebration of this day and we show you five causes to support on World NGOs Day.

In the early 1970s, different associations began to appear in favour of humanitarian interests. Later, in the 1980s, they began to be called non-governmental organisations.

This day is celebrated every 27 February because it was in February 2010 when the important work they do was recognised. To carry out their work, NGOs need financial and fiscal support, human capital and, in many cases, volunteers. But do you know the different causes you can support?

Five causes with which you can collaborate:

1. Asylum for refugees

2. Help for women victims of gender-based violence

The year 2020 ended with a total of 45 women murdered as a result of gender violence in Spain. Gender violence is a reality that seems to have no end. The data show that there are still many things to be done and, to this end, there are many different associations that help victims. To do your bit, you can collaborate with Manos Unidas, Asociación Mum or Por Ti Mujer, among many other associations.

3. Research on rare diseases

4. Helping homeless people

5. Research on Covid-19

Covid-19 has completely changed our lives and we all want very much to return to our former normality. To this end, scientific research is crucial to find a treatment or even a cure.

IRYCIS and Clínic Barcelona Hospital Universitari are among the Spanish medical institutions that have launched fundraising campaigns for Covid-19 research. The sum of all donations can gradually lead us towards a solution.

What better way to celebrate World NGO Day than by doing your bit? Remember that countless causes need our support. You can choose one of the options we give you or find your own cause.

Every little bit adds up!


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