Real estate law is an area of the law that regulates everything related to the real estate sector.

This right is necessary to know for the owners of Lodgerin. We explain it to you below:

Real estate law

What real estate law is?

It is a specific area of the law practice that regulates, among other things, real estate transactions.

Within its fields there are: contracts of sale, Registration of Property, real estate, lease, real rights, real estate developments, etc.

Real estate

The rise of the real state sector

In recent years, the sale of accommodation has increased exponentially, it is a factor that has also affected the case of student apartments.

The increase in the sector has meant that many people who do not know about it are interested in buying and selling accommodation for students.

That is why Lodgerin recommends that you contact a professional so they can advise you about it. This will increase the profitability of your investments and reduce the risk.

real estate law

What regulates?

The real estate law acts on everything related to the real estate sector, from homes, flats, land, restaurants and obviously student apartments are no different.

This scope of action goes from the relative actions between citizens and citizens with the administrations.

In addition, real estate law is linked to all registration procedures that are related to the Property Registry.



The content of real estate law is the part of real rights, real estate contracts, urban, notarial and registry law applied to the real estate sector.

These parts of different legislative areas are those that need to be analyzed transversally to fully understand real estate law.

 The law is included in the Constitution and the Civil Code, as well as its Complementary Legislation.

What is the Real State Law

Purchase, sale or rental of student accommodation

If you owner of a student apartment, it is convenient to know how this branch of law can affect you.

With the current legislation in Spain, a considerable change has been generated. The person who acquires a property must respond with the property acquired, that is, must assume the debts owed by the previous owners. As long as it is to the debts of the 4 years prior to the purchase.

At Lodgerin we recommend that before buying a property, you obtain a debt certificate from the community. This way you can ensure that this property is debt free.

Another important point to keep in mind is that if you are a foreigner in Spain, with the current legislation, the prices of acquisition or sale of properties have different taxes.

These taxes are higher, which makes the purchase price of properties higher. Many owners have opted for renting apartments or rooms for students.

If you choose this route, it is highly recommended that you be advised by experts, since there are many aspects that must be taken into account.

In Lodgerin we help you in the management of your student accommodation. In addition, we also help you to find students to stay in your apartments.

Regulation in Spain

In conclusion, real estate law is a branch of law included in numerous parts of different laws. This makes their knowledge more complicated.

We are giving you, though this post, a brief summary of this branch of the law: what it consists of, the content or what it legislates among other things.


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