Social Security

Social Security in Spain is a service that guarantees the well-being of its citizens.

In this post we will inform you of who can request these services and the benefits that Social Security has. You can also see the requirements to apply as a student.

Social Security

Who can request it?

Any citizen or worker can request the social security number. It can also be requested by any employer when hiring a worker.

In the case of students who are going to study abroad, Social Security makes an exception. Since they do not meet any of the requirements to request the Social Security number.

Foreign students are considered a special regime. These students must meet a number of conditions. They must be under 28 years old, residing in Spain and studying for 3 and 4 ESO, Baccalaureate, professional training or university studies.

In order to request the Social Security number, only 1 of these documents is necessary:

  • Foreign Card or Passport: document that proves the nationality and identity of a person. It is necessary to travel to most countries.
  • DNI: National Identity Document.
  • NIE: The NIE is the Foreigner Identity Number. It is the substitute for the DNI in the case of not having been born in Spain. It is an important document for many procedures. Among these procedures is the padron, search for student accommodation, official state documents, create a bank account, etc. In Lodgerin we do some of these procedures for you, such as the registration or the bank account, so you don’t have to worry about anything.

The application must be submitted to the Social Security Administration closest to your rental accommodation for students. If you do not receive a reply within 45 days, the request will be automatically accepted.

Social Security

Social Security benefits.

Social Security brings many benefits to students. It causes many medical problems to be solved without any problem.

Medical assitance

Social Security assists students with any illness contracted and suffered while staying in Spain. It is a free service offered by the State to citizens, including foreign students.

Spanish medicine is very well valued internationally, so you should not worry about anything.

It also includes compulsory medical assistance in each of tuberculosis, general surgery, neuropsychiatry, etc.

Other services included in the Social Security medical assistance are: physical therapy, radiotherapy, artificial kidney, etc.

All these services must be accepted by a doctor beforehand.

Medical assistance can also be given by school accident. In the event that performing an activity that has to do with school activity (recess, travel, sports, etc.) is accident, Social Security will attend to the student. Not only medical assistance, but also pharmaceutical assistance, surgeries, prostheses, etc.

Pharmaceutical assitance

Social Security supports citizens with medicine in different situations.

In case of hospitalization or any other center, Social Security will be responsible for 100% of the costs of medicaments.

If the citizen is admitted to a hospital or any other center, but does not need to spend the night, he returns to his student accommodation. Social Security will pay 70% of the cost of medicaments during their stay in their student accommodation.

Students Spain

Social Security is a State medical service. Support any citizen including students. Provide help in case of an accident, either in your student room or outside it.

So you will not have to worry if an accident happens while you are in your student apartment.

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