students apartment

Are you thinking of studying abroad, or perhaps you are going to start your first work placement outside your country? In either case, you need to look for student accommodation abroad.

We know the excitement and vertigo that you can experience when you are about to make a 360-degree turn in your life. Suddenly, a new country, language, friends, living together… Experiences that will help you discover the world and open your mind a little bit more by getting to know different cultures.

The beginning of all this practically starts with the search for student accommodation abroad. One of the biggest uncertainties is getting it right, as it’s normal to have doubts such as whether the flatmates will be nice and responsible, whether the photos correspond to reality, whether the neighbourhood is quiet, etc. Although most of the time you can’t check these things until you are actually there, there are other factors that you can “choose” when you are looking for a flat abroad.

3 factors when looking for student accommodation abroad

When you go abroad to study, the adventure begins as soon as you board the plane. And although you have to jump into the pool to experience it, there are other factors to take into account when looking for accommodation:

1. Transport

This is one of the most important aspects when deciding on your future accommodation. It is necessary to locate it on the map to know where it is located and to look at possible public transport routes in the area. If it is located in the central areas of a city, you can be sure that you will have many transport alternatives. For example, it is becoming more and more common to find rented means of transport such as cars, bicycles, motorbikes, electric scooters, etc. 

One of the most important aspects of transport is the proximity to the university. This factor is very important.  Being able to walk to class could be a dream come true. Not only because you will have to get up less early, but also because you will save on public transport journeys. The proximity to the university will also help you to get in touch with people from your university. Arriving at a new university without knowing anyone is not easy. Most foreign students live in flats close to the university, so it will be easier to interact with them if you also live nearby.

2. Proximity to leisure areas

This point is very important. Even if you decide to stay in a quieter place away from the centre, you will still like to go out for dinner or lunch with friends at some point. This is why it is important to take your interests, tastes and hobbies into account. The best option is to look for a flat in the city centre or in the surrounding area to have everything close to you. Be it a gym, library, restaurants, discotheques, etc.

3. Neighbourhood

Choosing a good neighbourhood to live in is also important. Safety and security are two fundamental factors. Feeling at ease in the neighbourhood is essential as this is where you will be living for a few months. Also, having a “neighbourhood” atmosphere is a good option when you arrive in a city where you don’t know anyone. Ideally, it should be a lively university neighbourhood. This way, it will be easier to meet people of the same age and who knows, even from your own class.

As you have seen, choosing your student accommodation abroad is more complicated than it seems. Controlling and getting it right by taking these factors into account is a complicated task. Obviously, nothing is perfect and you can’t have everything. But the best thing to do is not to lose sight of these criteria in order to try to make the best choice possible. And if you need help with this, don’t hesitate to contact us. We can advise you on everything and look for the flat that best suits your expectations. You can also visit our blog for more useful information.


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