“New normality”, “new reality”, “new way of living” and why not, a new opportunity. Why is a perfect time to study abroad?

How many times have you considered going to study abroad but there was always a perfect excuse for not doing it?The excuses are over because we bring you the reasons why NOW is the perfect time to take the plunge and really live a new normality.

Reasons for a new horizon

We are aware that one of the sectors most affected by this global pandemic has been education. At least a thousand Spanish erasmus were stranded, forcing public administrations to get going. Universities and educational centers were launched from the beginning of the pandemic,” says Coral Martínez Íscar, director of the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE).

However, studies confirm that interest in foreign exchanges has skyrocketed during the first phase of the crisis; “It was crazy,” says an employee of a major language school. And you will wonder. Why?

  • In the midst of a pandemic, the economy is reeling like it never has before. It’s a perfect opportunity to train in what you have always wanted to do and that scared you so, go out and reinvent yourself.
  • Learning new languages ​​has always been a good option, but now it is a more than successful option to adapt to the new professional opportunities that are seeing the light of day.
  • You will be able to discover the spaces in a different way. Imagining city centers with half the number of people is now possible.
  • If you find yourself lost, grab your backpack and go explore new places. eye! Always with head and responsibility. You may not go to the best parties or events, but the possibility of continuing to train online can make you discover your ideal place to live.

We recommend you: 

London, Rome or Lisbon are some of the cities that can give you the most on a personal and professional level. You can open your mouth by taking a look at the accommodations we have in these cities, here.

In short, we know that this situation has been like a slap in the face in all aspects, but we wanted to show you that not everything is as black as it seems.

At SGR we bet on this tandem: new normal = new opportunity. If you also have this vision, don’t think twice and take the step. You can start by watching this video to motivate yourself.



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