Today we learned that Madrid’s Metro has been awarded by AENOR thanks to Metro’s “good practices” in dealing with Covid-19. We already know part of the measures we must take every time we are going to use this transport. But we want to review the measures implemented in the subways of the main European cities.

A young man leaves the Sol Station Metro with a mask as a protection measure against the Coronavirus after the increase in cases in the Community in the last hours, in Madrid (Spain) on March 12, 2020.

In Madrid Metro

The mask is mandatory from 6 years. Information signs have been installed at all stations and 200 hydroalcoholic gel dispensers have also been installed in the 50 busiest stations. Vending machines for masks and hydrogel have been installed in some of the stations with the highest influx of travelers. The consumption of food is not allowed inside the Metro network and of course, you must maintain a safe distance at all times.

Barcelona metro

Here the authorities recommend avoiding rush hours, planning your trip by consulting the estimated occupancy levels on your journey, distributing yourself along the metro trains and buses and sanitizing your hands every time you use any element of the metro. If you have any symptoms or discomfort, do not use public transport. Emphasis is also placed on maintaining social safety distance at all times: at stations, circulate on the right, leaving space for users who circulate in the opposite direction.

London (UK)

London follows the line of the measures imposed in Madrid and Barcelona. The imposition of two meters of social distance to try to reduce the capacity of wagons or vehicles between 13% and 15%. The need to make direct routes, to avoid transshipments that cause crowds and traffic control at the entrance of the stations.

Young man with a mask in the London Underground on March 3. ANDY RAIN / EFE


The authorities of the Eternal City have chosen to reinforce alternative means of transport such as bicycles or scooters. They have also decided to increase pedestrian areas and bike lanes. It will also be necessary to increase the frequency of buses and the subway because their occupancy level will be reduced by having to respect the safety distance between users.

Do you feel safe traveling by public transport in times of coronavirus?

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