Este es el primer blog de la nueva era en SGR. Presentamos la nueva identidad de Students Global Relocation, con nueva imagen en SGR hemos puesto nuestra mejor cara, con nuevo logo, nuevos colores y un proceso 100% digital, para estar más cerca de ti que nunca.

Why a rebranding? 

Einstein dijo una vez: “En medio de la dificultad se encuentra la oportunidad”.

Como muchas otras personas, empresas y estudiantes, en los últimos meses hemos atravesado un momento de confusión e incertidumbre. Un tiempo en el que nos sentimos impotentes porque no podíamos estar cerca de nuestros alumnos, porque no podíamos compartir con ellos la experiencia de mudarse a una nueva ciudad, a un nuevo departamento y comenzar una nueva etapa en su vida.

Por eso creíamos que había llegado el momento de darle un cambio de ritmo a Students Global Relocation, por lo que creíamos firmemente que era necesario un rebranding.

What have we changed? 

Una buena actitud es motor de grandes cambios. Cuando nos propusimos ofrecer los mejores servicios a nuestros alumnos, nos dimos cuenta de que la imagen que transmitíamos era distante y fría.

Por ello, hemos decidido cambiar los colores . Hemos elegido un azul marino oscuro como color principal con el que queremos transmitir seguridad, confianza y profesionalidad, tres de nuestros pilares fundamentales. Como color complementario, hemos optado por un color mostaza con el que queremos transmitir un toque diferenciador, que aporte personalidad y dinamismo a la marca. También hemos añadido a nuestra paleta, unos colores secundarios con los que queremos transmitir la energía y frescura que caracterizan esta nueva etapa de SGR, pero también la cercanía, confianza y apoyo que ofrecemos.

About this new renewed image, we wanted to incorporate our own illustrations that would convey that closeness that we want to be the basis of SGR’s management. That is why we have created different types of profiles, accommodating a wide range of people so that each student or user can feel identified. This makes the resources they use personal, close, with which you can feel identified, showing different types of people and students. Finally, it should be noted that all the illustrations are our own, something very important in our new stage: trying to make everything we do our own, with our touch and brand identity.

We also have a completely renewed typeface. It is simple, but it has a different touch, which draws attention and sets us apart from other competing companies.

The most visual part

Finally, we have a new logo. This logo is much more current, simple, with a flat color, which uses simple shapes and adaptations to represent our identity: happiness (the arc of the “g”), professionalism, and simplicity (simple shapes with straight cuts). Finally, we wanted to keep part of our old logo, as a way to represent experience and professionalism, and how we have adapted it to the new stage. This element is the “marker”, integrated into the “g”, but taken in another direction that represents the advancement and growth of our brand.

New logo of SGR

Also, the SGR website is completely renewed. This is a key and decisive starting point to make our mobility and accommodation management processes integrated into a 100% digital, fast, and easy process.

But what new things do we offer?

Along these lines, we have incorporated new help services abroad to be by your side from the moment you decide to start your experience abroad.

We have expanded the cities in which we are present by adding new destinations such as Lisbon or Valencia with great potential for students for their career and university life. We have created a new totally personal space so that the student can access exclusive discounts. These discounts come from the hand of one of the strengths of SGR, the partners with whom we work. The student will have unique discounts in leisure and culture. We want the student to live a complete experience when they decide to move to study in a new city. We want to be present to be able to offer what you need at all times. An example of this is our new partner Tiqets, thanks to which our students will be able to enjoy the best cultural and leisure events in their new cities thanks to discounts on their tickets.

We have summarized all these changes in a video that we have uploaded to all our social profiles. From here we will start a new path with valuable, careful, and consistent content, so as we have said, to be closer than ever.

New objetives 

Our maxim is that you as a student, only worry about enjoying your experience, and we do the rest. We are sure that there is still a long way to go and that times of uncertainty will come. However, we are also sure that in this new stage we will overcome together any bumps that come our way.

Because now more than ever, being calm is feeling at home. This 2021 we want to be by your side.

Take a look at our social profiles so you don’t miss out on this new beginning. You can contact us by sending us an email or through any social network, we are very nice people, we promise.

Instagram SGR 

Facebook SGR

Twitter SGR



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