Last week we talked about typical Spanish gastronomy, focusing on the main and most famous foods. However, this week we want to freshen up a bit more and, for that, we bring you the typical Spanish drinks!… Read on and find out what Spanish people drink and from which community each drink is famous, if they contain alcohol or not and some more curiosities… Let’s start!


Calimocho is believed to have been created in the port of Algorta, in the Basque Country, in 1972. Legend has it that, to celebrate the local festivities, they bought 2000 litres of wine and they went bad. Faced with this problem, they decided to mix the spoiled wine with cola, in an attempt to hide the bad taste. From this mixture, they created calimocho.

Calimocho, therefore, is nothing more than a mixture of wine and cola. It is more commonly consumed in the North of Spain than in the South, and it is never missing at a good village festival.


There is a legend that tells that, in the time of King Jaume I, a villager brought some horchata to the court. When the king asked about the drink, the villager replied: és llet de xufa (it is tiger nut milk), to which the king replied: açò no és llet, és or, xata (this is not milk, it is gold, girl).

Horchata is, therefore, a drink extracted from the tiger nut and originates from the Valencian Community, specifically from the town of Alboraya. It does not contain alcohol, is consumed by children and adults alike and is a fantastic way to cool off in summer.

However, it is not a drink that is widely consumed in Spain. If you visit the Valencian Community, you can have an horchata in any café. But outside this community, having an horchata is a bit more complicated. If you want to have a good horchata in the heart of the Spanish capital, you can visit Cántaro Blanco, Horchatería Alboraya or el Kiosko de Horchata de Miguel y José.


Vermouth is a drink made from aromatic herbs and white wine. This drink is famous in Spain as it is typical of Madrid, where, in addition to white wine, it is also made with red wine. Depending on the wine used, we can find white vermouth or red vermouth.

In Madrid, vermouth is famous for being known as vermut de grifo, as the drink is served directly from the tap into the glass. In addition, vermouth has its own time, la hora del vermut (vermouth time), which is sacred for many Madrilenians. This time coincides with midday, when Spaniards usually go out to tomar el vermut, that is, to have an aperitif.

You can try the best vermouth in Madrid at Bodega la Ardosa, Taberna Ángel Sierra or Casa Camacho, among others.


Cider is a typical drink from the north of Spain, specifically from the Asturian region. In Asturias, there is a tradition of pouring cider. This consists of pouring the cider into the glass from a considered height, not simply for folklore, but for gastronomic reasons. When the cider hits the walls of the glass, its aroma and properties are awakened.

To make this drink, different varieties of apples are selected, which give it its characteristic flavour. They are then mashed to obtain an apple must.

Traditional cider has a very low alcohol content, between 5 and 6 degrees. If you want to try it in the heart of the Spanish capital, we recommend you visit Casa de Asturias or El Escarpín.


It is believed that Spanish and Portuguese peasants created sangria more than 200 years ago. They prepared this drink with the ingredients they had at hand: wine and local fruits.

Over the years, the recipe for this drink has evolved to become one of the most internationally recognised typical Spanish drinks, if not the most… Without a doubt, sangria is a must on any sunny day at the beach, and a great way to beat the heat.

Make the most of the summer and try all the typical Spanish drinks! We are sure that, as with the food, you will love them all. Remember that you can read more interesting posts in our blog:


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