It’s still August and the Spanish capital is still sweltering in the sweltering heat. If you don’t have air conditioning or a fan at home, you may be completely desperate… But don’t worry, one of the best options is to look for things to do in places that have air conditioning. That’s why this week we bring you the best cinemas and theatres in Madrid, where you can enjoy a good movie or play while feeling the coolness. Here we go!


Callao Cinemas

These cinemas have been located in the Plaza de Callao since 1926. It is one of the most famous cinemas in the capital, where many acts and events of the Spanish culture take place.

Nowadays, you can enjoy a completely updated cinema billboard, choose your film and spend an afternoon at the cinema!

Capitol Gran Vía Cinema

The Capitol cinema is another of the great protagonists of cinema in Madrid. These cinemas were inaugurated in December 1933 and, since then, they have presided over the Carrión building, in the heart of Madrid’s Gran Vía.

Palacio de la Prensa Cinemas

These cinemas are located in a special place in the capital of Madrid: the Palacio de la Prensa. The Palacio de la Prensa building, formerly known as Casa de la Prensa, is also located right in the centre of Madrid, at number 46 Gran Vía, opposite Plaza de Callao.

The construction of the building began in 1925 and it was King Alfonso XIII who laid the first stone. Four years later, in January 1929, a cinema was installed on the mezzanine floor. Today, and since 1991, this building is a multi-room cinema where you can enjoy your favourite film at the best temperature.


Canal Theatres

The Teatros del Canal is a performing arts centre located in the Chamberí district of Madrid. This centre depends on the Community of Madrid, and you can enjoy different types of shows, from plays to dance and circus performances.

Capitol Gran Vía Theatre

In the same building as the Capitol Gran Vía cinemas, we also find the Capitol Theatre. Here you will find two theatres. The main hall combines both film screenings and theatre shows. Room 2, on the other hand, is dedicated solely to theatre and its capacity is much smaller than that of the main hall.

Palacio de la Prensa Theatre

The same applies to the Palacio de la Prensa. This building offers both cinema and theatre. In the case of the theatre, it specialises more in comedy shows, although you will also be able to see theatrical shows.

Visit them all and enjoy a cool evening accompanied by a good film or play. Remember that you can read other interesting posts in our blog:



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