After suffering a long and hot summer in the capital, we can finally say that autumn has arrived. We have already taken the warm clothes out of the closet, the sweaters, the long pants… And even the desire to go for walks without suffocating! So, in today’s post we bring you some of the best free activities in Madrid to do this fall. Let’s go there!

Telefónica Foundation Space  

The Telefónica building is one of the emblems of Madrid and, more specifically, of Madrid’s Gran Via. It was inaugurated in 1930 and, at the time of its opening, it was the first skyscraper in Europe. Today, the building has become a space of reference for the culture of the 21st century. In order to visit it, it is necessary to book the entrance previously choosing the favorite time slot. Even so, it is worth it, as it is one of the many free activities in Madrid.  

It has a permanent exhibition on the history of telecommunications, but, in addition to this, it also hosts different events throughout the year.   

La Casa Encendida  

It is a social center that bases its activity on four different areas: culture, solidarity, environment and education. In this incredible building located in Madrid’s Lavapiés neighbourhood you will be able to enjoy the library, youth library, media library, etc., completely free of charge… And the crown jewel of La Casa Encendida, its terrace!   

On the terrace is the building’s cafeteria, where, in addition to enjoying breakfast, cocktails and brunches, you can also enjoy some of the best sunsets in Madrid.   

Cultural Center – Blanquerna Bookstore  

This center is one of the most curious places in Madrid for the locals themselves. In the heart of the capital, we can find a center dedicated to Catalan culture.   

More and more young people, within the country itself, travel between communities to start working or studying in a new city. Around 100,000 Catalans live permanently in Madrid, without counting those who settle temporarily for studies or work. But, in addition to Catalans, Valencians and Mallorcans also live in the capital, who share many similarities with the Catalan language.  

If this is your case, finding this center in the heart of the capital will surely sourprise you. In addition, beyond those who already understand the Catalan language, the Centre Cultural – Librería Blanquerna is responsible for making Catalan culture known to those who do not yet know it. To do this, you can attend the exhibitions and events they organize.   

Matadero Madrid  

Finally, you may have already heard of Matadero Madrid, and we’re not surprised. This former slaughterhouse in Madrid is now a cultural center with different spaces for different activities. You can see plays, films or art and design exhibitions, among other things 

We encourage you to go out and enjoy the autumn and do not miss the many free activities in Madrid!  

Remember that you can also read other interesting posts in our blog:  


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