“Go for four little things and end up taking half a supermarket with you”. “Not knowing what you spend the money on”. “This month, play pasta and tomato”. 

This and many other situations happen to us continuously when we go to the supermarket. It seems that the supermarket products tell us “choose me, take me home.” 

Relax, in this post you will find some simple tips that will help you save money when making the purchase. 

Online shopping, a good solution

Students of the world, if you really want to save, you should start considering that online shopping can be a very good option. Here are a few steps to control your spending on food and essentials:

  1. Make a list of the products that you will really need within 1 to 2 weeks of making the purchase.
  2. Go for the cheapest supermarket. It is true that each person tends to have a super favorite. Some have the best snacks, others have our favorite yogurt and others we simply like the establishment. The truth is that, if what we want is to save on the whole basket, we must know that some supermarkets are cheaper than others. For example, in Spain currently the cheapest supermarket is Alcampo, followed by the DÍA supermarket chain. If you are living in Spain you should take a look at this ranking. On the other hand, in the UK, one of the most famous chains among students is Poundland (literally everything at 1 pound).
  3. Trust in own-brand products. 
  4. Optimize your purchase, purchasing non-perishable or high-volume products. Thus, the shipping costs will be free.
  5. As a good digital native, take advantage of technology with apps that allow you to save on your purchase by offering you discount codes such as “Soy Super” or “Tiendeo” (Spain).
  6. Make the purchase together with your roommates, so you can share expenses, save shipping costs and avoid buying things that you don’t really need.

If you are still not familiar with buying online, we recommend that you try to make the big purchase of a month. Next, compare the ticket with some other purchases you have made at the supermarket in the previous month and rate.

Remember these tips every time you want to save.

Other key aids

You have already mastered saving when shopping. However, you have any questions regarding your mobility and/or accommodation arrangements. Don’t worry because at Students Global Relocation we take care of everything so that you, just worry about enjoying yourself.

We manage your NIE, TIE, validation of titles, study stay, residence and more. Check out our latest posts where we explain everything related to these procedures.

Stay updated on RRSS and do not hesitate to contact us for any questions.


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