If it has crossed your mind to come to study in Spain (yes, despite the pandemic there are still many options for students) you should know that there are bureaucratic procedures that can create real mental confusion.

Therefore, we are going to explain in this post the difference between: authorization, study stay, residence for work and residence for job search.


The authorization is simply a paper that authorizes your country of origin, to leave the country for the country of destination, if your departure is going to be more than 3 months. In case of your stay will be less than 3 months, it would not be necessary to request this authorization (VISA).

So that we understand each other, with the authorization, your country of origin would accept you (give you permission) to come to Spain, in this case.

The study stay

The stay is the authorization that Spain accepts for you to be here for the duration of your studies. The key points of the study stay are:

  • It is temporary. Its duration will depend on your studies. You cannot work.
  • The study stay DOES NOT ALLOW YOU TO WORK, only to carry out your internship as part of your academic training.
  • The years of stay, DO NOT SERVE YOU as years as a resident, if in the future you want to request the Spanish residence.

The residence

The residence permit is the one that allows you to opt after a few years (if you are an Ibero-American person you will need two years to be able to request the nationality, if you are from another country it will be 10 years) to the Spanish nationality.

Therefore, residency is a permit that is granted to you if you plan a long-term project in Spain.

But then, what do I have to do to study in Spain?

If you are going to come to Spain for more than 3 months only to carry out studies, training or an academic project, your obligation is to obtain the student stay. Remember that you will not be able to work, you will only be able to do internships related to your training.

On the contrary, if your plans are to come to Spain to “look for life” you should know that there is a non-profit residence option which allows you to opt for nationality and work in the country on a regular basis. The only handicap that this type of residence has is that you need to prove that you have € 30,000 in your account to be able to carry out your activities here.

Do you already have everything clearer? Do you already know what you are going to have to manage? From SGR we remind you that we have management services and help for the mobility of students, so that you only worry about enjoying the experience to the fullest. You enjoy, we do the rest.

Contact us by e-mail, or by RRSS for any questions related to your mobility.



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