If you are Spanish, you will already know more than enough about village festivals in the country. But, if you come from any foreign country, you may be surprised by some of the Spanish traditions. Be that as it may or may not be, whether you know the village festivals and traditions in Spain or not, if you have moved to a new city, you will have the opportunity to visit many new festivals that you have never been to before. In today’s post we’ll tell you a little bit about the village festivals in Spain and we show you which are the next ones you can go to. Let’s go there!  

The village festivals  

First of all, it is important to know that the village festivals in Spain have their origin in religious festivities. But, whatever is celebrated in the village and whatever its patron saint, there are common characteristics in all village festivals.   

In the village festivals there is no lack of open-air dances, bullfighting festivities, hot chocolate and card championships.  

Upcoming town festivals and traditions

La Tomatina  

It is possible that, even if you come from a foreign country, you know this tradition. La Tomatina is one of the most famous festivals, not only nationally, but also internationally. This festival is celebrated in the Valencian town of Buñol and consists of throwing tomatoes at each other. It will take place next Wednesday August 31 and you should know that it only lasts an hour. One hour in which more than 230 tons of tomatoes unfit for human consumption are thrown 

Festivities of San Sebastián de los Reyes  

The festivities of San Sebastián de los Reyes are another of the best known local festivities in Spain. This is due to its bull running. These festivities are celebrated between August 27th and September 4th, and it will be very easy to get to them if you are in Madrid. To get to San Sebastián de los Reyes from Madrid, you can use the C4 line of the suburban trains. Once in San Sebastián de los Reyes, you can use the local buses to get around

The Devil’s Dance

It is one of the most peculiar festivities in Spain. It is celebrated on the island of La Palma and, if you are a student with flexibility in your schedule and you have the opportunity to visit it, we recommend you not to miss it. It will take place during the early morning of next Wednesday, September 7th. From Madrid, you can get there by plane in less than 3 hours for less than 100 euros.   

During that night, the devil shows his dance in front of thousands of people, accompanied by fireworks and live music.  

These are just some of Spain’s village festivals and traditions, but we invite you to discover many more on your own. Rest assured that Spain’s villages continue their festivals until the end of September or even early October, so don’t miss the opportunity to visit any of them!  

Remember that you can also read other interesting posts in our blog:  


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