In September you start a new course or a new job outside your city. You already have your accommodation booked because you like to be proactive, but now it’s time to carry out the most expensive step, the move. Depending on how you take it, moving can even be fun. You can use it to do some cleaning, to reorganize your things, to remember things that you didn’t even remember you hadBut, although you can turn it into a fun process, it is undeniable that it is somewhat costly, so get ready for your move! In today’s post we’ll give you some tips so that you have everything planned and don’t forget anything. Here we go!

Make a checklist

It may seem silly, but we assure you it’s not. Before you start taking things out without any sense, think about what you want to take with you. What is the weather like in your new city? Are you going to need a lot of warm clothes? Are you going to take any piece of furniture that you especially need? Your study chair, your mattress, a chest of drawers in case you need more space? Does the accommodation include bedding? Will you want to bring your own crockery?  

You should ask yourself all these questions and prepare your moving checklist. This way it will be much more difficult to forget something.  

How are you going to transport your things?

Obviously, this is the most important step. It depends on whether you are moving country or just city, whether the city you are moving to is far away or not from your home city, etc. First of all, if you are moving in your car, we understand that it will be much easier and that most of your things, if not all, will fit with you in the car to move them. Now, if you are going to travel by public transportation, what are you going to do with your stuff?  

There are different parcel delivery companies, such as Correos Express, Seur or Correos, among others. In addition, we recommend you to use Packlink to find the company that offers you the best price depending on your packages.  


Are you going to move into your accommodation from minute 0? Or are you going to prefer to stay somewhere else for the first few days until you have your new accommodation fully set up? It depends on what your situation is, if you will need your own furniture to arrive or not, if you will have your kitchen utensils at hand to cook from the very first momentAll this will help you decide if you want to stay in your new home, even if everything is not ready yet, or if you prefer to stay in a hotel, hostel, apartment or similar for the first few days.  

We hope we have helped you. As we say, get ready to move as soon as possible and don’t leave everything to the last minute!  

Remember that you can read more interesting posts in our blog:  


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