Today, August 12, is International Youth Day. In 1999, the United Nations decided to name this date as Youth Day. The aim of the celebration is to involve young people in all spheres of society in order to solve the challenges facing youth today.   

We know firsthand that the young generations of today’s world have had to live through difficult times. These include a global economic crisis, a global pandemic, and the future economic recession that this will bring. It is becoming more and more difficult for us to afford to pay the rent, pay for our own car, or pay the simple expenses of the month. And let’s not even talk about finding a permanent job and being able to afford to buy a home…. For many, this is unthinkable.

But, precisely because of the difficulties we face every day with dedication and strength, we deserve a day to celebrate the stage of life in which we find ourselves. In today’s post we give you some ideas to celebrate International Youth Day. Here we go 

Autos Locos Race  

The Madrid City Council organizes different activities aimed at young people in the capital. Among them, the Autos Locos Race in Real Sitio de El Pardo. This race will be held on September 10 in El Pardo and you can sign up to participate right now. The aim of this activity is to encourage fun and creativity of young people. You will have to design and build your own car and you can win a prize for the most original car and even the one that arrives at the finish line in the worst condition.   

Of course, it can be a super fun way to spend an afternoon of laughter with new classmates or work colleagues. Build your own car and hit the track to race and meet other young people in Madrid like you! 

Cultural outings  

Maybe it’s a little early for today, but if you’re on time, you can try to sign up for the guided tour of Madrid this afternoon. Even so, in case you don’t make it in time, don’t worry, because the Madrid City Council organizes guided cultural tours to discover different corners of Madrid throughout the year. The next one is tomorrow, a visit to discover the history of El Retiro.   

All these visits are completely free and are aimed at young people between 14 and 30 years old. If you are in Madrid, what better way to take advantage of the opportunity to do activities for free, get to know all the corners and curiosities of Madrid and meet new people?

Outdoor activities  

We must take advantage now that we are young to make the most of nature and do all the sports it allows us! To do this, the Madrid City Council organizes different trips to different natural areas of Madrid for hiking trails and multi-adventure activities. The next hiking route you can sign up for will take place on September 4 at the Hervidero waterfall.   

We encourage you to sign up for as many activities as possible and enjoy the advantages of being young 

Remember that you can also read other interesting posts in our blog 


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