The University is an incredible stage where you will not only meet new people and friends, but also build your future around our preferences. In this environment, you will commonly go through two situations: your friends always ready to party and plan new things, and your teachers, always on top of homework and exams. To find a balance between partying and studying, it is important to use our time efficiently and optimally. This can be a bit challenging, but don’t worry, in this post we will give you the best tips to improve your notes. Let’s go!

Attend your classes

No book or Youtube video can guide you better than a person. For this reason, it is essential to have that perspective of your classroom (virtual or physical), where you can share your doubts, thoughts and ideas with your other colleagues as well. In this learning space, it is essential that you do not think twice before raising your hand and presenting your questions if it helps you to improve your notes.

Take notes of the key points

Taking notes not only helps you to maintain attention in class, but also helps you understand better the explanations. Additionally, you will be able to have all the necessary material at your disposal to study for your exams. 

Learn having fun

Let’s face it, not all of us are fans of the studio or just have no idea how to motivate ourselves along the way. For this, I recommend that you have fun in the process. Use colors, stickers, post-its, audio or even a fun agenda where you can organize your leisure time and study time. Also sign up to give yourself small prizes as a reward for your good grades.

Study in company 

Join different study groups with your classmates. Reviewing the class material together is very useful when it comes to sharing doubts and knowledge. When it comes to guaranteeing your good grades, any additional idea of a classmate can help you! 

Keep healthy habits with yourself

Remember that part of the process is taking care of yourself. Maintain a good diet, with balanced foods rich in protein and carbohydrates to get all the energy you need to stay focused. Similarly, remember to get enough sleep to be able to sustain the rhythm of day to day. Sleeping at least 7 or 8 hours a day is essential to be fresh and energized.

Find private tutoring

If you feel that none of the above options are 100% effective, accompany them with an extra and personalized review. Find a tutor for the subject you’re struggling with before it snowballs. In this way, we will avoid losing the rhythm of the class in the company of a person who will know your process in a personalized way and give you the help to improve your notes. 

Remember that you can also read other interesting posts in our blog 

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